Friday, March 27, 2015

Week 4 Part 1: Filming

On Tuesday, we finally got to filming our movie. During the afternoon, Tyler and I met up together to review the story board I had made as well as gather supplies and come up with a name. We thought of some names, but the one that we both liked a lot was "for the record." Since neither of us have any objections, it will be our unofficial name.

At around 7:15, Tyler and I made our way towards the record shop. There, we also caught up with our female lead. As it turns out, Paul, our male lead, could not make it at the last minute. We had no one else who could fill for us at the last second, so Tyler volunteered to play the part and I got sole directing lead for the film.

My goal while filming was to show how, early in the morning, the store as well as the area around them, was very empty and desolate. Yet, these two friends who own and maintain a record store find solace in each other. I tried to make their emotions and motions the center piece through close up shots and kinetic shots. This was tough, as the store wasn't empty at the time. Therefore, I needed to employ certain angles as to not show anyone else in the store.

Another problem for us was the low audio gain on the camera and the background noise. What I'll end up doing is muting or lowering the audio on the footage, and then dubbing it over with stings and dialogue made during a different time.

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