Saturday, April 11, 2015

A long journey comes to an end

After a week plus of editing, we have both finished our movie opening to "For the Record." There were many challenges along the way, many of which including balancing the audio, but we have tried to the best of our ability to fix those. We didn't need to re-film in the parking lot, as we found the time that was too dark the perfect opportunity to put title cards. Dubbing over the low audio proved to be successful, as what is said seems to match up with the visuals 95% of the time. Using some background music, we can mask over any unwanted background noise that we have with a simple audio track. I have learned a lot about video editing because of this project.

That being said, I still need to create the directors commentary for the project to be completed. I probably will narrate my voice over a slideshow/movie, but I will write a script first.

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